“Inspire and Ignite: An Evening of Impact” – A Triumph of Community Spirit and Generosity

June 19, 2024 at 10:20 AM

The “Inspire and Ignite: An Evening of Impact” event, hosted by CareStation, a renowned Sri Lankan non-profit organization, proved to be a remarkable success. Held on Saturday, the 15th of June, 2024, at Icon Hyat in Dehiwala, the event brought together community leaders, philanthropists, and dedicated individuals united by a common goal: to support and uplift underprivileged communities.

CareStation, Co-Founded by Razni Razick, and Khalib Cassim is a government-registered, non-political, non-religious organization focused on community development and social welfare. With over 368 registered volunteers across 22 districts, CareStation has been making a significant impact throughout the year.

The evening was a celebration of CareStation’s achievements and the unwavering spirit of service that drives its mission. The event also marked two significant milestones: the relaunch of CareStation’s website and the inauguration of a new free educational center for underprivileged children.

Special guests, Mrs. Ferial Ashraff and Miss Milani Salpitikorala, delivered powerful speeches that resonated deeply with the audience. Mrs. Ashraff spoke about the importance of community solidarity and the role of organizations like CareStation in fostering social welfare. Miss Salpitikorala shared her experiences and insights on the transformative power of education and community support, inspiring many with her words.

Rizka Marrikar alternate director of carestation , in her opening address, highlighted the importance of community involvement and the transformative power of collective action.

Peer charities and partner organizations also attended the event, underscoring the collaborative spirit that is essential for achieving lasting impact. Their presence reinforced the importance of working together to address the community’s most pressing needs. Notable organizations in attendance included  UNHCR ,The Sisterhood Initiative, Tearz Foundation, Easter Attack Survivors Project, and several others.

A series of inspiring speeches and presentations followed, including heartfelt testimonials from beneficiaries of CareStation’s programs. Four profoundly inspiring success stories were shared by the beneficiaries themselves, highlighting the tangible impact of CareStation’s initiatives. These stories underscored the real-life impact of the organization’s work, moving many in the audience to tears.

One of the significant milestones celebrated at the event was the relaunch of CareStation’s website. This revamped online platform represents a leap forward in our ability to connect with the community, share our mission, and provide valuable resources to those in need.

The new website features a user-friendly design, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find information about our programs, initiatives, and how to get involved. It also includes detailed sections on our volunteer opportunities, success stories, and upcoming events. The enhanced functionality allows for better engagement with our supporters, enabling them to stay informed and connected with our ongoing efforts.

This relaunch is more than just a technical upgrade; it is a testament to our commitment to transparency, accessibility, and community engagement. We believe that this new platform will serve as a vital tool in furthering our mission and reaching a broader audience, inspiring more individuals to join us in making a positive impact.

The event concluded with the unveiling of CareStation’s new educational center, a vital addition to their efforts in providing quality education to children in need. This center will provide holistic education, encompassing daily life practices, mental health support, career guidance, and support for families. It will serve as a beacon of hope and opportunity, offering comprehensive educational resources and support to underprivileged children.

During the evening, CareStation also acknowledged the invaluable contributions of its volunteers by awarding tokens of appreciation in three categories: core team members, senior staff members who have been with CareStation for an extended period, and active volunteers who have shown exceptional dedication. This recognition highlighted the essential role of volunteers in driving CareStation’s mission forward.

Razni Razick expressed her gratitude to all attendees, saying, “We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming support and generosity we have received. “Inspire and Ignite is not just an event; it’s a movement that showcases the positive changes we can achieve when we work together, This event has truly ignited a spark in our community, and we are excited to see the lasting impact it will have.”

The event’s success is a testament to the power of unity and the difference that can be made when people come together for a common cause. CareStation looks forward to continuing its mission and making even greater strides in community development and social welfare.

For more information about CareStation and how you can get involved, please visit [www.carestationsl.org](http://www.carestationsl.org).