Karuna admits to killing hundreds of Army soldiers during war

June 19, 2020 at 11:29 PM

Former LTTE Eastern Province commander Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman says he is more dangerous than COVID-19 as he killed hundreds of troops during the war.

Speaking at a meeting in the East to seek support for his bid to enter Parliament at the upcoming election, Karuna Amman said that he had been invited by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa to enter Parliament through the national list after the 5th August election.

However, he says he turned down the offer and instead decided to contest the election and enter Parliament with the support of the public in the East.

He said that some individuals had stated he was more dangerous than the coronavirus.

Amman said that those statements are true as COVID-19 has killed only a few people in Sri Lanka while he managed to kill hundreds of troops in one night at Elephant Pass.

Karuna Amman split from the LTTE in 2004 and assisted the Army to defeat the LTTE.

(Colombo Gazette)