The Ceylon Electricity Board Trade Union Unity (CEBTUU) has launched a strike action today (27) by applying for sick leave and refraining to report to work.
CEBTUU President Malaka Wickramasinghe told the media that the strike action has been launched over several issues including the government’s tax policy and the recent hike in electricity tariffs.
Malaka Wickramasinghe stated that the trade unions are also demanding annual bonuses and medical payments, which were not paid in 2022 and 2021.
He added that the CEB should also revise its calculation method pertaining to tariffs by using a better method that would balance and grant relief to the consumers.
More than 6,000 members attached to a total of 12 trade unions will apply for sick leave and engage in the trade union action at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, Wickramasinghe said.
The CEBTUU President said that the striking CEB engineers have also been summoned to Colombo for a protest.
The CEBTUU warned that if the authorities fail to respond, their trade union action would be expanded countrywide. (NewsWire)