The Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena instructed the officials to suspend the issuance of permanent and daily excise licenses for liquor sales in the Maharagama Divisional Secretary’s division. He said this at the Maharagama Regional Coordination Committee meeting held on 20.03.2023.
He also advised them to suspend the issuance of excise permits issued daily for events such as music shows, carnivals and various other occasions.
The progress of development projects in Maharagama area was reviewed and a special attention was paid to social welfare programmes. It was revealed that 13,377 applications have been received for the government’s new social welfare programme and relevant data of 2,560 people has already been collected. The Prime Minister further advised to involve Samurdhi Development Officers for carrying out Social Welfare Programmes.
The progress of the health sector was examined and a shortage of local medical officers of health was also revealed. The Prime Minister instructed to re-focus on the fact that the Boralasgamuwa lake was not handed over to the Urban Council following its renovations and take necessary measures in this regard urgently.
Venerable Nikapotha Chandrajothi Thera, Chairman of Maharagama Shasanarakshaka Bala Mandalaya, Colombo District Secretary K. G Wijesiri, Maharagama Divisional Secretary M.M. K. Dilrukshi and other government officials took part in the occasion.