Lakmal Weerasuriya and Sahan Arosha, the creators of the popular YouTube channel ‘Lakai Sikai’, have filed a complaint with the Police over threats to their lives.
The complaint was lodged by the wife of Lakmal Weerasuriya at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) today.
Weerasuriya’s wife told the media that they have been continuously receiving life threats after pictures of the duo having attended the stand-up comedy show by Sri Lankan comedian Nathasha Edirisooriya made rounds on social media.
Stand-up comedian Nathasha Edirisooriya was arrested and remanded until June 07th for having made derogatory comments on Buddhism during her show.
Lakmal Weerasuriya and Sahan Arosha, who were invited as guests for the show, have been targeted on social media for having attended the show.
Weerasuriya’s wife told the media that several threats were allegedly being made against them on social media platforms, while they have also received threats via telephone calls.
Stating that they are being harassed for an offence they have not committed, she added that a complaint has been filed with the Police to take action against those sharing malicious statements against them. (NewsWire)