A bag containing jewellery worth over Rs. 5 million that had accidentally been left behind on a train has been handed over to its owners, it was reported.
According to Daily News, the bag was left behind on a train plying from Matara to Colombo Fort.
Railway security officials had found the bag while inspecting the train which had completed its journey and returned to the Maligawatte Railway yard.
It was reported that the couple, residents of Kandy, had been travelling with several bags and had forgotten the bag with jewellery as it had been placed under the seat.
The couple who were returning to Colombo from Matara had got off the train at Colombo Fort leaving the bag behind.
In addition to the jewellery, the bag contained an Apple iPhone, a savings certificate for Rs.3.5 million, bank books, a car key and identity documents. (NewsWire)