On his recent viral video during Asia Cup 2023, former cricketer and BJP MP Gautam Gambhir says, “What is shown on social media has no truth in it because people show whatever they want to show. The truth about the video that went viral is that if you raise anti-India slogans and speak about Kashmir then the person before you will obviously react and not smile and leave. There were 2-3 Pakistanis there who were speaking anti-India things and things on Kashmir. So, it was my natural reaction. I can’t hear anything against my country. So, that was my reaction…”
"If you raise anti-India slogans and speak about Kashmir then the person before you will obviously react and not smile and leave"
– Gautam Gambhir reacts 🗣️pic.twitter.com/pSOq2RTrNz
— CricTracker (@Cricketracker) September 4, 2023
‼️ SHAMEFUl GESTURE by BJP MP @GautamGambhir ‼️
◼️ BJP MP @GautamGambhir Shows Middle Finger to Indian cricket fans.
◼️ Will @smritiirani shout now over this vulgar gesture of the BJP MP to a stadium packed with Indian Fans
Just like she did over an alleged Flying Kiss? pic.twitter.com/SscDeSCxnr
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) September 4, 2023