Cricket crisis : Opp. Leader questions divided Govt opinion

November 7, 2023 at 12:51 PM

Opposition Leader MP Sajith Premdasa cautioned that two different stances between the Sports Minister and President can create a new issue apart from the existing problems related to Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC). 

Addressing the Parliament today (Nov 07), MP Premadasa said it was humorous that the President has appointed a committee to supervise the work of the Interim Committee for SLC appointed by the Sports Minister. 

Stating that this was a gamble, the Opposition Leader said the cricket administration must be governed by persons who are skilled in the sport of cricket and have no corruption charges against them. 

Commenting on the Sports Minister’s effort to appoint an Interim Committee for the SLC, MP Premadasa also called on him to explain his plans to develop cricket at school, club, district and provincial level.

MP Premadasa called on the Sports Minister to reveal the plans to Parliament by this week. (NewsWire)