The proposal on awarding the contract of obtaining four (04) wide-body aircraft under operational lease for Sri Lankan Aviation Co. Ltd has received Cabinet approval.
Approval of the Cabinet was granted at their meeting held in March 2024 to award the contract of obtaining two (02) aircraft out of the requirement of five (05) aircraft with wide-body aircraft for Sri Lankan Aviation Company Limited under the operational lease scheme.
Based on the recommendations of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the standing procurement committee, the Cabinet approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Ports, Shipping, and Aviation Services.
Approval has been granted to award the contract of obtaining four (04) wide-body aircraft on the monitoring lease facility as mentioned below along with an additional aircraft.
- Contracts relevant to obtaining 02 aircraft from ORIX Aviation for a monthly lease of USD 360,000 for a period of 06 years.
- Contracts relevant to obtaining 02 aircraft from Aergo Capital Limited for a monthly lease of USD 365,000 for a period of 08 years. (NewsWire)