Seven individuals, including a child, lost their lives, and 23 others sustained injuries in a tragic accident at the “Fox Hill Super Cross 2024” racing event in Diyatalawa on Sunday (21). The casualties included four racing event officials serving as flag marshals and civilians who were spectators.
- Shivakumar Dhanushika, 8 year old from Welimada
- Chamath Niroshan, 19 year old from Seeduwa
- Ashan Heenatigala, 20 year old from Akuressa
- Rasika Abeynayake 32 year old from Avissawella, Army Soldier on vacation
- Muththusamy Udayakumar, 55 year old from Welimada
- Aruna Upaligamage, 62 year old from Matara
- Ganesh Kamalanath, 60 year old from Matara