Udayanga Weeratunga offers to assist repatriation of Sri Lankans in Russia

May 15, 2024 at 2:10 PM

Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia Udayanga Weeratunga said that he is willing to help in efforts to repatriate Sri Lankans fighting in the Russia-Ukraine war.

“These Sri Lankans have first migrated to Ukraine for work, but they have now been found to be fighting in the war,” Weeratunga said, convening a special media briefing to discuss the matter.

“One Minister has said that as these individuals have migrated illegally, the government cannot look into their concerns. This is completely wrong, they are citizens of Sri Lanka, and it is our responsibility to save them,” he added.

Weeratunga said that although these individuals have migrated without the endorsement of the Sri Lankan government, they have been enlisted to fight in the war, with the involvement of the Russian government. He alleged that these individuals have signed agreements with the Russian government to enlist in the war, which will be helpful in efforts to repatriate them.

“I’m not a diplomat nor an ambassador, but I can state with responsibility that these individuals can be repatriated,” he said, charging that the Sri Lankan government has not made sufficient effort to resolve the matter and assist these Sri Lankans.

Weeratunga stressed that a bilateral agreement was inked with the Russian government during his tenure as the Sri Lankan Ambassador on military cooperation, under which the Sri Lankans in Russia can be assisted. (Newswire)