NPP vows to make teaching among the 10 main professions in Sri Lanka

June 28, 2024 at 3:04 PM

The National Peoples Power (NPP) has called on the government to resolve the issues of teachers and principals who are striking over salary anomalies, pointing out the severe impact on the education of school students. 

Addressing a Teachers Summit, NPP Leader MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake emphasized the importance of the education sector, stating that the main responsibility assigned to teachers is to create a good human resource for the country.

As such, MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake said the NPP’s manifesto proposes making the teaching profession one of the ten main professions in Sri Lanka.

“The most important resource of our country is human resources. Our country has no future without developing this human resource. We are not a big industrialized country and we are not a state with commercial resources like coal, gold, oil and gas,” he said. 

MP Dissanayake pointed out that, therefore, the responsibility of the education sector is more as it is tasked with creating human resources required for the nation and on par with global developments.

He further condemned the government’s action of using the Police to suppress the protesters instead of resolving their issues. (Newswire)