Minister reveals why Israel reluctant to hire SL workers

July 5, 2024 at 10:16 AM

The Ministry of Foreign Employment has taken measures to address issues caused by some unskilled Sri Lankan workers who were sent for employment in Israel.

Subject Minister Manusha Nanayakkara said due to an emergency situation in Israel two years ago, even unskilled workers were requested from Sri Lanka. 

He said however, that due to problems caused by the behaviour and work efficiency of some of these Sri Lankans, agricultural entrepreneurs in Israel are now reluctant to hire Sri Lankan workers.

Minister Manusha Nanayakkara explained that this situation arose because some Sri Lankan workers in Israel began to engage in protests similar to those in Sri Lanka. 

He stressed that while it is true that disturbances caused by these workers have jeopardized job opportunities in Israel, he warned strict action would be taken against such behaviour and that he would not hesitate to call these workers back to Sri Lanka if necessary.

As a solution to this issue, he said a program has been planned to invite Israeli agricultural entrepreneurs to Sri Lanka and let them interview suitable individuals.

The minister noted that only workers who have passed background checks, prepared necessary documents such as police reports, and have been selected through the Israeli lottery will be considered for these jobs.

He added that new workers will have the opportunity to go to Israel after nearly eight thousand selected individuals have been sent.

In addition to the agricultural sector, Minister Nanayakkara pointed out that there are many job opportunities in construction, nursing, and hotels in Israel. 

“Workers not qualified for the agricultural sector but who are currently eligible to go to Israel will have the chance to apply for these other job opportunities,” he said. 

Revealing that it was also reported that workers are needed for large-scale construction projects in Israel, he said an agreement was reached to give the currently selected workers opportunities in these projects. 

Accordingly, Sri Lankans will have the chance to work on massive constructions such as highways and railways in Israel.

Employment opportunities for Sri Lankans and the situation of Sri Lankans currently working in Israel were discussed during a meeting between Minister Manusha Nanayakkara and the Israeli Ambassador to Sri Lanka Naor Gilon at the Ministry of Labour in Narahenpita. (Newswire)