Letters dispatched sacking striking railway employees

July 11, 2024 at 5:26 PM

The Ministry of Transport has issued letters to railway employees engaged in the ongoing trade union action acknowledging that they had vacated their posts.

Minister of Transport Bandula Gunawardena announced that the letters had been dispatched to railways employees who had failed to report to duty. 

Railway Station Masters and controllers launched a trade union action on Wednesday, over several grievances, including promotions. 

Several train services were cancelled and limited trains were in operation yesterday and today due to the strike action, severely inconveniencing the public. 

Amidst the strike yesterday, Sri Lanka Railways instructed all Railway Station Masters and Controllers to report to their respective railway stations or the nearest railway station on or before 12 noon. 

The General Manager of Railways, S.S. Mudalige warned that Railway Station Masters and Controllers who fail to heed the order will be considered to have vacated their service. 

Despite the warning, 922 Station Masters had not reported to work and the Sri Lanka Railway Station Masters’ Union announced the continuation of its trade union action, due to a tense standoff with the railway management.

Following the failure of the railway employees to report to duty as instructed, the Ministry of Transport has taken measures to inform that they are considered to have vacated their positions. (Newswire)