Presidential Election 2024 : Updates

September 21, 2024 at 8:26 AM

10.52 am

Presidential Election 2024 :  Voter percentage as of 10 am

  • Colombo – 20%
  • Ratnapura – 20%
  • Kalutara – 31%
  • Matara – 27%
  • Galle – 18%
  • Kegalle – 14.8%  
  • Nuwara Eliya – 10%
  • Jaffna – 10%-
  • Puttalam – 23%
  • Kurunegala – 30%
  • Polonnaruwa – 38%
  • Trincomolee – 30.4% 
  • Monaragala – 18%
  • Digamadulla – 30%
  • Gampaha – 25%
  • Mullaitivu – 25%
  • Vavubiya – 30%
  • Kegalle – 15%
  • Ampara – 30%
  • Mannar – 29%

07.00 am

Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election got underway today with voting commencing at 07.00 am across the island. 

Voting for the 2024 Presidential Polls will be conducted from 07.00 am to 04.00 pm at 13,421 polling stations.

A total of 38 candidates are contesting the election, and 17,140,354 voters are eligible to cast their ballots.

Voters are advised to carry their official polling cards, while those without the official polling cards are advised to carry the accepted forms of identification, such as National Identity Card (NIC), Valid Passport, Valid Driving License, Public Service Retirement ID, Elders Identity Card, ID Cards provided to clergy, Confirmation letter of NIC information, Temporary ID card issued by the Election Commission for disabled persons, and Temporary ID card issued by the Election Commission for others to cast their vote. 

According to the National Election Commission, all voters have a right to cast their vote for the particular candidate of their choice as President. Voters may mark “X” or “1” against the name of their choice. If a voter marks “X”, no second or third preferences can be marked.

All voters also have a right to cast their second and third preferences for two other candidates of their choice. If voters choose to mark second and/or third preferences. Second and/or third preference may be marked by marking “2” or “3” against the names of those other candidates.

The National Election Commission has requested the public to avoid taking photographs or filming polling-related activities and to refrain from uploading them on social media platforms. 

The public has also been advised to view the results of the 2024 Presidential Election in private, with the Police stating that public screenings have been prohibited in view of possible brawls. (Newswire)