Chairman of the Citizen’s Movement Against Fraud, Corruption, and Waste, Jamuni Kamantha Thushara, has lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) against MP Namal Rajapaksa, alleging irregularities at the Sri Lanka Law College examination.
Speaking to the media, Thushara claimed there is a witness who can testify that MP Rajapaksa received special assistance during the competitive examination at the Law College. “There is a witness who can testify that Namal Rajapaksa cheated on his Law College exam. Eleven years ago, a former student of the Law College attempted to report that Rajapaksa sat for the examination in a special air-conditioned room and received assistance from two lawyers to write the exam,” he said.
He added that the student had tried to lodge complaints with various college authorities, the Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, and the Keselwatte Police, all of whom reportedly refused to acknowledge the complaint.
In 2012, the student also attempted to file a complaint with the Bribery Commission, but no action was taken, Thushara said. He further alleged that the student, now living overseas, received death threats and was abducted by an unidentified group over the incident.
Thushara said he decided to file a complaint to demand an investigation, expressing concern that the new government appears reluctant to address such matters.
“We question how these issues are investigated when the same officials remain in these institutions. This matter must be thoroughly examined, and justice must be served,” he said. (Newswire)