The police in Kerala have used AI tools with advanced facial recognition technology to solve a 19-year-old murder case of a woman and her twin babies who were just 17 days old when killed. As per reports, a woman and her twin children aged just 17 days were killed in 2006, the police had acted quickly and identified two main suspects, former Armymen named Divil Kumar and Rajesh.
However, the suspects had vanished. All efforts to locate them had failed. At the time of the crime, the former Armymen were posted in Pathankot.
19 years later, the CBI finally arrested the 2 suspects in Puducherry. The two men had changed their names to Vishnu and Praveen Kumar respectively and were living under false identity running a business of interior design. They were both married to Puducherry-based school teachers.
Kerala ADGP Manoj Abraham has informed the media that the investigative team used advanced facial recognition tools and artificial intelligence tech to scan the old photographs of Divil Kumar and Rajesh. They generated images of how the two men would look like after 19 years, with multiple patterns of hairstyles and ageing features.
After running the facial recognition tools through social media profiles, they found a 90% match to a Facebook account with some wedding photographs. The account led them to Rajesh, who was now living as Praveen Kumar. Physical investigation into his contacts and social circle soon located Divil, who was living under the new name Vishnu. Details of both men were handed over to the CBI. (OpIndia)