The Valaichchenai Paper Mill has recommenced operations, Minister of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development Sunil Handunneththi said.
In a statement on social media, Minister Handunneththi said operations recommenced after the idle machines at the paper mill had been repaired.
In February last year, the Parliamentary Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Economic and Physical Plans assured to look into the possibility of running the Valaichchenai Paper Mill as a public-private joint venture, instead of the proposal to close it down.
At the time it was reported that since the machines of the Valaichchenai factory were imported in 1956, around US$ 1.2 million was required for repairs.
It was also reported that if USD 1.2 million is spent and repairs are made to the machines, a profit of Rs. 22 million per month can be made by producing 5 tons per day. (Newswire)