15 -15 : Can NPP run Elpitiya Local Council

October 28, 2024 at 3:53 PM

The National Peoples’ Power (NPP) will not face any obstacles in functioning as the ruling party of the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha, former Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya said. 

The NPP emerged victorious in the recently held Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha Election, securing 15 seats, while the other opposition parties combined secured the remaining 15 seats. 

Addressing concerns over the NPP’s majority, Mahinda Deshapriya said as per the Election Law the NPP had won the election with a clear majority of 50% and thus the party Secretary has the power to nominate the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

He said, that on the request of the Election Commission, the NPP Secretary will suggest the names of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman for the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

“A vote will also not be required to elect a Chairman as the NPP has secured the 50% majority of elected members in the election,” Mahinda Deshapriya said.

“When voting takes place on any proposal put forth at the Pradeshiya Sabha, if the opposition votes against the proposal then the Chairman can use his vote as a deciding vote, either in favour or against,” the former Election Commissioner further explained. (Newswire)