SJB issues warning over Govt’s proposed tax reforms

October 27, 2022 at 12:26 PM

The Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will work towards defeating the Government’s proposed tax reforms, SJB MP S.M. Marikkar said yesterday (26).

Speaking to the media at the Opposition Leader’s office in Colombo, the MP said the SJB will vote against the proposed tax hikes in Parliament.

“During Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s tenure, we pointed out that a reduction in taxes is an incorrect move. The SJB is of the view that taxes must be increased, but that it should be enforced fairly and reasonably,” he said.

Stating that the President as the Minister of Finance must reduce these proposed percentages, the MP said if he fails to do so, then the SJB will block the proposed taxes from being passed in Parliament.

MP Marikkar also accused the President of attempting to increase Government revenue by placing an increased tax burden on the people and also by selling Government assets.

He further warned that the SJB will ensure the country’s middle class takes to the streets in protest if the President fails to heed their calls. (NewsWire)