COPF Chair Harsha claims life threats over visa issuance probe

June 7, 2024 at 3:21 PM

Chairman of the Committee on Public Finance (COPF) Harsha de Silva has claimed that the Parliamentary probe into Sri Lanka’s visa issuance process and the VFS global deal has resulted in threats to his life.

“What am I expected to do? Cover corruption?” De Silva questioned in Parliament, stating that various attempts are underway to discourage him from investigating the matter. 

De Silva said that false media reports have emerged on the probe into the VFS deal and visa issuance process, attempting to paint de Silva in a negative light.

Addressing the Speaker, the COPF Chair said he had come under tremendous pressure from MPs as well, since the probe was launched into the controversial visa deal. 

Following Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardene’s remarks that he is yet to receive a complaint on threats to the COPF Chair’s life, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and MP Mujibur Rahuman called for increased security to be provided for De Silva (Newswire)