Land identified for Siyambalanduwa 100MW Solar Power project

March 5, 2025 at 10:06 AM

Cabinet approval has been granted for providing the necessary lands to the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority as a grant for the implementation of the 100MW solar power project in Siyambalanduwa. 

The Sri Lankan government expects to fulfil 70% of the electricity demand of the country from renewable power sources by the year 2030. 

According to the said policy, the 100 MW solar power garden project facility at Siyambalanduwa has been identified as one of the main projects. 

A portion of land with an extent of 219.7233 hectares, where farming or other cultivation is not conducted, has been identified for the implementation of that project.

Accordingly, the Cabinet approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Power and Energy to provide the said land to the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority as a grant, taking into consideration the strategic importance of the proposed project, and enabling the swift commencement of the project. (Newswire)