- Merchandise trade deficit for 2023 recorded the lowest level since 2010, supported by relatively larger contraction in import expenditure than that of export earnings.
- The trade deficit widened in December 2023 compared to December 2022. However, imports continued to remain moderated, despite recent relaxations of import restrictions.
- Workers’ remittances recorded a healthy level of around US Dollars 6 billion in 2023 and recorded the highest monthly value in December 2023 since April 2021.
- Earnings from tourism for the year 2023 are estimated to have surpassed US dollars 2 billion as a result of a notable revival in tourist arrivals.
- Foreign investments in the government securities market recorded net inflows in 2023.
- Gross Official Reserves improved notably to US dollars 4.4 billion by end December 2023 and the Sri Lanka rupee recorded an appreciation of 12.1 per cent during the year 2023
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External Sector Performance_December 2023 (E)