Cabinet nod to implement charter for upcountry plantation community in Sri Lanka
Cabinet approval has been granted for the implementation of the charter for the upcountry plantation community in Sri Lanka. TheContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted for the implementation of the charter for the upcountry plantation community in Sri Lanka. TheContinue Reading
The recommendations on revising the fees payable to non-governmental higher education institutes for the relevant courses provided under the 8thContinue Reading
The Cabinet of Ministers has authorized President Ranil Wickremesinghe to implement visa-free access for 38 countries with immediate effect, ForeignContinue Reading
The government has introduced a new policy permitting ex-Parliamentarians to own two firearms for their personal safety, Cabinet Spokesman MinisterContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted to sign the corporation agreement between Sri Lanka’s Export Development Board (EDB) and the InternationalContinue Reading
The proposal to increase the competitiveness of purchasing paddy and encourage paddy production in the coming Maha season has receivedContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted to prepare a draft bill introducing a new law concerning the rights of the indigenousContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted for 24 institutions to print school textbooks for selected grades that will be distributed freeContinue Reading
The implementation of the national strategy on artificial intelligence in Sri Lanka, to create an empowered digitalized Sri Lanka, hasContinue Reading
The Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to enter into an agreement with the World Bank for a grant ofContinue Reading
The Cabinet has approved a basic salary increase for all public servants from January 2025, the Expert Committee on PublicContinue Reading
The proposal to provide fertilizer subsidies to farmers cultivating paddy lands for the 2024/25 Maha Season has received Cabinet approval.Continue Reading
The awarding of contracts for passenger and mobile lift platform services of SriLankan Airlines in Saudi Arabia and China hasContinue Reading
The contract for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the access roads to the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal has been awardedContinue Reading
The proposal to provide chemical fertilizer at a concessionary price through the State Fertilizer Company Ltd to tea growers toContinue Reading
The Cabinet has approved the bidders selected for the implementation of Tourist Service Counters in the vacant lobby area inContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted to implement, as an initiative step, “Artificial Intelligence-related Student Societies” as a pilot project inContinue Reading
Cabinet approval has been granted to implement the project to initiate the generation of electricity via rooftop solar panels atContinue Reading
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