Schools in China closing amid population decline
Faced with a declining birth rate and ageing population, China is experiencing a shortage of schoolchildren. As a result, multipleContinue Reading
Faced with a declining birth rate and ageing population, China is experiencing a shortage of schoolchildren. As a result, multipleContinue Reading
Academic functions of all state schools will continue as normal tomorrow (July 09), the Ministry of Education announced. The MinistryContinue Reading
The rugby encounters scheduled for this week under the Schools Rugby League 2024 have been postponed due to a decisionContinue Reading
The Ministry of Education has decided to close government schools in some districts and education zones due to the prevalentContinue Reading
The Ministry of Education has issued a special statement addressing a false announcement circulating on social media, which claimed thatContinue Reading
The proposal to introduce courses on artificial intelligence to the education system has received Cabinet approval. The government said itContinue Reading
Zonal Education Directors have been entrusted with powers to decide on the operations of schools in the Akuressa, Deniyaya, Mulatiyana,Continue Reading
Education officials should focus deeply on protecting and preserving schools instead of closing schools, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said. TheContinue Reading
All government schools in the Galle and Matara Districts will reopen tomorrow, (October 11), the Education Secretary to the SouthernContinue Reading
Schools will engage in discussions about the Central Bank Annual Report with the complete support of the Central Bank ofContinue Reading
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